I was able to do another painting while on holiday. It is another sort of "abstract".
Wine is Fine
©Cindy Williams
I used Derwent ArtBar paints for this painting, they are so much fun. I just sat one evening and painted, it was a lot of fun, I think maybe the holiday cleared my head and let me have different ideas. I had loads of ideas that came up, just by doing nothing. Well, also, by walking along the seaside a lot. I guess sometimes it is good just to "do nothing". As in my other post, I did say that I didn't do a lot. Last night before bed, I started writing a story, that could possibly turn into a book. I am still not sure where this will lead but the ideas came flooding in. Maybe it took that whole week of just relaxing, not worrying about daily home problems, etc, just to give me some ideas. I am refreshed now, I don't know how it will be at the end of next week when I am back to work and feel like I need another break, as most people do. But for now, I have loads of ideas. I have taken so many pictures that I want to paint! I didn't get to do plein air painting like I wanted to but I feel like I have taken away some more important personal things. We took a trip over to the Isles of Scilly on Thursday, it was so much fun, except for the boat over there! It took over 2 1/2 hours and we were sick. But I am planning to write a post about that later. On the way back, I wrote a story about that too, and I'm going to add that post in the next few days. I thank you all for dropping by and I will be posting later. I appreciate you! Cindy
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Ugh, I hate being seasick. Doesn’t always happen, but it’s awful being stuck on a boat and feeling that way. 🙁 Glad the ideas are pouring in! Have fun and share 🙂
Thanks Sheila I am busy this week but will try to find some time to write a post or two 🙂