Well apparently I have lost all of my posts. I don’t know where they have gone but I was trying to make changes in my website provider and it has taken me all day to repair what I damaged in a few seconds.
Wow and I even was getting excited about a painting challenge starting Tuesday.
Anyway this is a short message to say “Good Luck” to all of you who are in on that challenge this month.
I might see how many I can paint, I don’t know if I will be able to finish the challenge.
Anyway if you wondered where this blog had gone, it has decided to do its own thing.
Annoyed is an understatement.
I am feeling better now thank goodness. But I am just now getting back into art, it has been so long now, that I haven’t been able to paint, etc, it’s going to take me some time to get back into it all.
My FIRST priority was to get my health back on track. I didn’t even worry about doing paintings, I have been working every day on getting healthier. I have been walking, running, doing yoga workouts, just to get myself into some sort of shape.
I went from a total and I MEAN TOTAL couch potato to within two months, losing 20 pounds!
Has it been a struggle? YES, IT HAS!
But to me, it is worth it. I am conscious of everything I eat now. I am conscious of every muscle that I use, every breath that I take. I use a little app on my phone, that reminds me to do 30 mins of some sort of exercise every day.
I am just letting all my readers know that I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, however it did feel like it at times.
Bless all of you that sent positivity and good vibes to me.
Thank you all for dropping by today.
I appreciate you all.
And happy 1st day of September, let’s hope it is a start of a great month for everyone.
I’m cheering all of you on that are involved in a painting challenge this month
I was in the garden a few weeks ago and had a couple of visitors whilst I was taking snapshots of the flowers.

©Cindy Williams

Ciao for now!
Cindy Williams