This 3-D Diva was SO MUCH FUN!
I know it doesn’t look much here, but in person, it’s pretty cool.
I tried to capture it the best I could, and then my camera batteries died!
So I had to use my phone, which the camera isn’t that great, but I will certainly be doing more of these

©Cindy Williams

©Cindy Williams

©Cindy Williams

©Cindy Williams

©Cindy Williams
I hope you are able to see the “3D” of this drawing. I drew it with graphite pencils, then I used some Graphtint pencils. And also I used pastels on this painting.
To take pics of it I had to get really close to the wall, underneath the painting. Seeing it in real life though up close, it is better to close one eye and you will be able to see the 3D effect. I also found that if you make a little circle with your thumb and forefinger and look through with one eye open, it will also show the 3D effect better.
This is just a practice and I hope you have enjoyed something different. I endeavor to improve
(This is Artwork #11 in the 30 day painting challenge.)
Thank you for dropping by, I really appreciate you all.
Very cool! I am not sure that the effect was accurate but I applaud you for doing the 3D style. I have seen other ppic done this way and they just astound me – good for you!
Thanks Val I gotta keep working on it
Very cool Cindy! Keep it up