You know, I was so scared to do a demo. I kept thinking "I'm going to do it". But when the time came closer, I was freaking out! Just like when I was going to do the PERISCOPE demo. BUT It was SUCCESSFUL! Here are some pics:
"Lions" man
©Cindy Williams
I can't even start telling you about my demo without showing this pic. It was really funny! I was to do a painting demo yesterday from 10am-12pm. And I got there about 9:30am and no one was at the Arts in Redditch exhibition yet. (It is just to the left of "Vision Express"). This man didn't have a clue what was coming. OK, I had all my bags and equipment, and I had to park in the parking garage. So I carried my bags and all the art stuff from my car, and it was getting HEAVY by time I got to my demo area. And I went up to this man and I put a load of change into the bucket. And I asked him if he was staying there for a bit. And he said yes. So I said "I am so sorry to ask you this but could you possibly keep an eye on my stuff, I just have to go back to the car and it will be just a few minutes and I will be back as soon as I can". And you know what? He agreed! So he said " I will just stand over here". And he stood inside the ropes!
Painting Demo area
©Cindy Williams
When I returned I thanked him.
Cindy's Demo1
As you can see, I was terrified. I could feel my knuckles turning white haha.
Cindy's Demo
Here I am painting away. Once I started painting, I really have to tell you, I got right in "my zone". 🙂 I couldn't believe the way my fear just vanished. People were walking by, and would back up and have a look at my painting. And they would stop and ask me what medium I use, how long I have been painting, why do I like to paint black and white, why do I like to paint 1920s, etc... And then I would get everyone's opinions, which was quite interesting! I gave every person my undivided attention. I took an interest in what they had to say, and you know what? After they finished talking to me, I said "have you had a look in our pop up gallery?" and a lot of them would say "No" and I would tell them about it and would show them it was just around the corner. And most ALL of them were not going in, but they changed their minds and stopped in. I made sure to say "My art is in the back, you can't miss it, the paintings are 28"x20" and they are black and white." I continued to tell them the paintings are of Joan Crawford. Some of the older people knew who I was talking about! 🙂 One older couple stopped and talked to me, and I asked "Have you been to the gallery?" And the lady said "I went the other day and I am bringing my husband today, where are your paintings?" And I told her, and they grinned and went right to the gallery. Then came back later and told me how lovely they thought my paintings were! 🙂
Secrets and Shadows
Pastel Painting on Canson Mi-Teintes Paper
©Cindy Williams
Reflections of a Diva 28x20"
Pastel Painting on
Canson Mi-Teintes Paper
©Cindy Williams
These two paintings were in the Arts in Redditch pop up gallery.
Cindy's Paintings
©Cindy Williams
This was the day the pop up gallery was being set up. I had to have someone install my paintings for me.
pop up gallery
©Cindy Williams
pop up gallery
©Cindy Williams
pop up gallery
©Cindy Williams
Artist Mark Pettifer
©Cindy Williams
Cindy and Lisa Landreth
©Cindy Williams
As a member of Arts in Redditch, if you were exhibiting, you were going to work the pop up gallery. I worked on Wednesday all day and this is one of the other members Lisa Landreth, jewelry maker.
Artist Lyn Davies
©Cindy Williams
This is Artist Lyn Davies. His art is hanging next to mine. We both had agreed to do a demo on the same day. It was Lyn's first demo too, and you know what? After the fear left, he LOVED IT! 🙂
Artist Mark Pettifer
(and me)
Aw, this is my friend Mark Pettifer. He is so nice! I mean, most of the people in the Arts in Redditch are pretty nice. BUT, Mark is my friend. He and my hubby went to school together! I LOVE his Stonehenge painting! and the ones we are standing by are his. The one above and the one below Stonehenge and the four across the top. I was lucky to work with him that day. He had some other lovely paintings of New York, if I can find my pics of them I will post them.
Cindy's Demo
©Cindy Williams
This was how I looked after all the fear left. Much more relaxed, I loved the demo. And you know, I didn't even get a lot of painting done, because people wanted to talk 🙂 And I enjoyed it so much, I am looking forward to the next one. Heck, I might even do a demo without being asked hahaha! Thanks very much for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the post. I appreciate all my readers! Show me some love by commenting below! hahaha 🙂 Until next time, Ciao for now, Cindy
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WOW! You rock Cindy! What courage. Sounds like you had alot of fun 🙂 I have a feeling you will be doing a lot of demos 🙂
Thanks very much Sheila! It was so much fun and I had a blast working the exhibition on Wednesday. Loads of talking! haha. Give me HIGH FIVE SHEILA! haha! Sorry I know that’s silly, Im still on a high from yesterday 🙂 I will definitely do more demos, lots of fun 🙂
Well done Cindy! Demos can be such a challenge but it looks like you rocked it. The art display looks good too.
Thank you Val, very kind 🙂
This is a really huge step for yourself Cindy Trust me it gets better once you get comfortable People love Art
Thanks Art, I may be doing another in a couple weeks 🙂
You are the poster child for “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”. Thanks for sharing.
Im usually a chicken but had to get over it haha 🙂
Bravo Cindy, I do these when I can. It’s really cool when you can get other businesses to let you hold them at their place of doing business as its a win win situation as all they need to do is add it in to their ad campaigns that they are already are doing. I have a video of one I did on my “about the artist” page on my blog feel free to take a look. The more you do theses the easier it gets (but it is work lol)
Im looking forward to the next one 🙂