This is a Work in Progress…
I have started a little sketch, which is a study for a bigger painting.
I LOVE the Tudor black and white buildings!
This little sketch is from a day of “Stroll for the Soul”.
I went to Winchcombe which is a Roman town, but really it pre-dates Roman times.
It’s so lovely there. It is another Cotswold town.
Here is a sneak peek for you…

I haven’t titled it, because it’s still a W.I.P and basically will be a “study” for a bigger piece. This quirky building is off a bit, it isnt built “evenly” it is sort of quirky. So when I paint it, It’s not so incorrect. But I guess I interpret it as maybe quirkier than it is in truth.
It is a 10×8″ for now.
Well, shame on me for staying up so late, because as I am healing I am trying to get the most sleep possible, but I started this kind of late. Anyway I am off to bed but I hope you enjoy this sketch. My painting “Camille” is still on the easel, I am waiting til I have my days off to work on it. It is too important to hurry.
Thank you very much for dropping by, I appreciate ALL of my readers, EACH AND EVERY ONE!
Ciao for now!
Cindy Williams
Such a wonderful area, thanks for sharing your stroll, and your WIP Cindy!
Sheila we dont have places like this in Oklahoma lol! 🙂
Those buildings are such a challenge to draw – you are braver than I. I hope you will post it when you are finished. Take care
Thanks Val, the thing is, all those buildings have crooked lines and you gotta get them right!