Well, I just did a quick piece of artwork tonight. It took me about an hour.
I know I won’t be able to draw or paint every day this month. And the art today is not a continuance of the painting from yesterday.
However, I MUST start getting more drawing done, because I have some opportunities coming up in the next few months, which I am happy about, but more on that on a later post.

-Pablo Picasso
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls”
– Pablo Picasso
How many of you artists out there agree? And if you have a day job, if you come home and paint or draw in the evenings, art can take you away from it all. That’s what I love, I think about NOTHING ELSE when I am painting. My mind is IMMERSED in what I am doing at that moment.
I have to be totally honest about something, I decided that everyday I will pick up a pencil and draw something even for 30 minutes.
Today I was quite tired. I don’t know if my body is still recovering even after 2 months, but I seem to get more tired now than I ever have. I am taking an abundance of vitamins and minerals every day and doing some sort of exercise every day. Even if it is ten minutes. But I have a strenuous job too, and I do not get to sit down. I am on the go all day long. So, that COULD be a factor but nevertheless, I am just tired. Today was even moreso.
SO… I decided NOT to work on my art from yesterday. Have any of you artists out there been working on a painting or drawing and so tired that you sort of nod off and it makes a mark you don’t want? I have done that plenty of times especially if I am painting in to the wee hours of the night.
I am not ruining my painting of CAMILLE, so I decided to do a little sketch tonight.

pastels on paper
©Cindy Williams
I am going to keep my drawing and art skills up so I decided just to do a little sketch tonight, this is of a thatch roof cottage I saw a few weeks ago on one of my “Stroll for the Soul” outings… and YES I DO have to get some more pics and posts on that site, I am behind a bit.
The trouble is…

I really do need to sit and make myself a list of things that are IMPORTANT and that I need to do. I spend a stupid amount of time on mundane things.
So tomorrow, I don’t know if I will have a post. As I said earlier, I am going to be completely honest. When I was in the hospital, I don’t know if it was my body talking to me, or what, but I decided I will NO LONGER BE A COUCH POTATO. However I was a couch potato because I had anemia and I had anemia because I didn’t eat right and take care of my body, and it made me a couch potato, so there you go.
Even though I was in hospital only one night, it scared me so much. In the following two months, I have been to doctor’s appointments a number of times and the hospital for specialist appointments twice. So in the interim, I decided I will eat right and lose weight. And that is what I have done. I joined a slimming club and I have lost 20 lbs in two months. The thing is on Thursdays, after I finish work, go to the meeting, then eat my dinner it is time to settle down for bed, and I am totally exhausted. So I usually don’t do anything on Thursdays.
So you may not hear from me tomorrow. Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this little sketch.
I need to remember to make myself a list on Friday evening. And then go from there, there are some really important things I must do this month and next month.
Thank you very much for dropping by!
Ciao for now,
Aw man, my entry is #239 on Leslie Saeta’s blog! that’s what I get for waiting so long to paint! http://lesliesaeta.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/thirty-paintings-in-30-days-day-two.html
This would make a great art card or postcard for your local shops.
Thanks Sea. I didnt think about that! I went to a farm shop a couple of weeks ago, and the lady didnt seem interested to talk to me, however she has local artists there. BUT where I work, my boss has loads of connections! Im going to work on getting some good art done and then ask him if he will hand over his list haha! Or at least point me to some people that could help me out. I will figure it out 🙂
Ease up Cindy! You have every right to be tired after working all day! I love your little cottage! I was hoping I would see some paintings from those photos. Enjoy your Thursday, and get the rest you need. Glad you are taking a day “off” instead of trying to push yourself.
Thanks Sheila, Im worked quick on this but when I take the time, I will do a better bigger painting 🙂 I HAVE to get some proper paintibgs done the next two months and get them framed! Time is flying ugh