Here I am getting ready for another large painting. I DO love to paint LARGE!
Well I must get a move on. I have had to send my artist’s info and photo into Arts In Redditch for the exhibition next week!
OMG I have so little time to get ready! As soon as I finish work tomorrow I am going to get started on my next painting. I hope I get them all done! I have two done so far but I have planned to do 7! I hope I get them all finished, it’s gonna be some short nights this week.
I really would like to do a demo, I will have to check in with some of the managers to see what day I can do that, if I know soon enough, I will let you know here too.
The thing about painting with pastels, on paper, is that you have to be really careful not to bump it.
At least other mediums will dry and you don’t have to worry about the painting that much, but pastels get scuffed, scratched, fall off the paper, etc.
I can’t wait to get this framed! I will feel much better when that happens.
That’s all for now, I must get back to painting! Have a great day and thank you for stopping by.