My latest WIP…
This is actually a little study. I say “little” it is a 10×8″ pastel study on heavyweight cartridge paper. Most of you know I like to paint BIG. I usually use it or my sketch book to see how things will turn out, then I will paint a bigger and better version on Canson paper.
I guess you could say, this is my “Beta” stage.
In order for me to keep from “messing up” with my unorganised self… I will get away from a painting, and do some studies. Then go back to the painting.
Hey it works for me right now because I have too much time invested and don’t want to start over.
AND I have some pretty cool shows coming up and I don’t want to crank out mediochre stuff.
People say we shouldn’t post everything like our mistakes. I LIKE seeing people’s mistakes. Especially artists! It shows me they are human, not perfect. And they are just like ME.
And goodness knows you guys have seen MY mistakes, especially last year’s 30in30 challenge, some of those were a disaster. Just because I wanted to have 30 paintings done.
I didn’t do that this time. I posted what I painted, when I could. I ended up with 20 completed paintings, hey that is 5 a week! So I’M HAPPY WITH THAT!
I must retire for the evening so you all have a great “hump day” its all downhill from here toward the weekend! Unless you have to work the weekend like I usually do. If that is the case, have a good day everyone!
Blessings to you.
Cindy Williams